The above pictures were taken by myself on Saturday night 4-10-2004 at Bass Pro Shop in Grapevine, TX. These are copyright 2004 and you must ask permission to use these images or link to them. Please DO NOT link to these images to any forms boards or your web page. I can not afford the bandwidth. I want to thank John and Amy for letting me take these pictures and posting them on my home page. Please go to their web page listed below, there you can see how this was done and even send  them an e-mail. The web page is no longer up and John and Amy have sold the truck. I am keeping the images here as my little memorial to the kind jester that they put forward with the Rolling Memorial. You can access the original Web page at

The official web site for "The Rolling Memorial"

Both my vehicle and motorcycle have Texas Fight Terrorism specialty plates. They are an extra $30 a year ($60 total), but well worth the price. I have had the one vehicle plate, on two vehicles now. When I found out Texas also had one for motorcycles, I went and got one that same day. We need to never forget what happened on September 11th, 2001. Just like we need to never forget what happened on December 7th, 1941.